lodging.affiliate.code | Affiliate code (incoming referral source) |
lodging.dates.check_in | Check in date |
lodging.dates.check_out | Check out date |
lodging.dates.check_in_out | Check in and out dates (comma separated) |
lodging.dates.length_of_stay_metric | Total nights (as number) |
lodging.dates.length_of_stay_dimension | Total nights (as text string) |
lodging.dates.booking_window_metric | Days until check in (as number) |
lodging.dates.booking_window_dimension | Days until check in (as text string) |
lodging.destination.name | Destination name (city, event, or area) |
lodging.destination.region | Destination region (state or geographic area) |
lodging.destination.country | Destination country code |
lodging.discount.code | Promo code |
lodging.event.category | Top level event grouping |
lodging.event.action | Mid level event grouping |
lodging.event.label | Low level event grouping |
lodging.filter.type | Property list filter category |
lodging.filter.selection | Property list filter selection |
lodging.link.id | HTML element ID for link |
lodging.link.name | Link description; link text or similar value |
lodging.link.type | Type of link (XX, XX) |
lodging.link.url | Link URL |
lodging.link.domain | Link domain |
lodging.link.path | Link path |
lodging.occupancy.adults | Number of adults |
lodging.occupancy.children | Number of children |
lodging.occupancy.rooms | Number of rooms |
lodging.occupancy.total_occupants | Total number of occupants (adults + children) |
lodging.occupancy.string | Occupancy details as single text string |
lodging.page.name | Path page excluding unique ID values (consolidates path values) |
lodging.page.type | Page category (search page, property page, cart page, etc.) |
lodging.page.platform | Backend platform |
lodging.promo.code | Promotion code |
lodging.promo.source | Promotion selection source (modal, widget, URL) |
lodging.property.id | Property ID |
lodging.property.name | Property name |
lodging.property.room_id | Room ID |
lodging.property.room_name | Room description |
lodging.property.city | Property location city |
lodging.property.postal_code | Property location postal code |
lodging.property.daily_rate_metric | Average daily rate (as number) |
lodging.property.daily_rate_dimension | Average daily rate rounded to nearest 10 dollars (as text string) |
lodging.property.stay_rate_metric | Average daily rate x number of nights |
lodging.search.results_metric | Number of search results (as number) |
lodging.search.results_dimension | Number of search results (as text string) |
lodging.site.locale | Site language and country |
lodging.site.language | Site language code |
lodging.site.country | Site country code |
lodging.traffic_source.type | Referral source category |
lodging.traffic_source.name | Value set using lodging_source query string parameter |
lodging.traffic_source.domain | Referral source page domain |
lodging.traffic_source.path | Referral source page path |
lodging.user.traffic_type | Internal traffic identifier (value undefined for live user traffic) |
lodging.user.ga_client_id | Google Analytics client ID |
lodging.user.ga_session_id | Google Analytics session ID |
lodging.user.email | Email address |
lodging.user.email_hash | SHA256 hash of email address |
lodging.user.phone | Phone number |
lodging.user.phone_hash | SHA256 hash of phone number |
lodging.user.first_name | First name |
lodging.user.first_name_hash | SHA256 hash of first name |
lodging.user.last_name | Last name |
lodging.user.last_name_hash | SHA256 hash of last name |