3rd Party Affiliate Tracking



  1. Client owned GTM container deployed on Ripe lodging pages
  2. Client owned GA tracking deployed on site

Implementation Steps

  1. Create affiliate cookie variable
  2. Create affiliate triggers
  3. Configure affiliate GA tags

Affiliate Variable

  • Log in to Google Tag Manager
  • Go to Variables > User- Defined Variables
  • Select 'New'
  • Name the variable 'Lodging Affiliate' (or something similar)
  • Choose Variable Type of '1st Party Cookie'
  • Enter a value of 'referral'
  • Click 'Save'


Affiliate Trigger(s)

Replace items in brackets with actual affiliate value

  • Go to Triggers
  • Select an existing trigger that you want to replicate for the affiliate (e.g. pageview, view item, purchase, etc.)
  • Click the options menu (three dots) and select 'Copy'
  • Update the trigger name (e.g. 'Purchase - [Affiliate Name]')
  • Add the following filter criteria: Lodging Affiliate = [affiliate code] (contact Ripe to confirm proper affiliate code value)
  • Click Save


Affiliate GA Tag(s)

  • Go to Tags
  • Select an existing GA tag that you want to replicate for the affiliate (should align with the triggers previously created)
  • Click the options menu (three dots) and select 'Copy'
  • Update the trigger name (e.g. 'GA4 Purchase - [Affiliate Name]')
  • Enter the affiliate's GA4 measurement ID (G-XXXXX)
  • Remove the existing trigger and replace it with the newly created affiliate variation from the prior step


Test and Deploy

  • Use 'Preview Mode' to test the updates with an affiliate URL (to ensure the 'referral' cookie is set)
  • Publish the changes